
Organics, Sustainability & Certifications
Organics, Sustainability & Certifications

Why We Choose to Use Organic Cotton Fabric

These days, finding quality organic products is a mission that requires conscious shoppers to dig for information. There are many different ratings, certifications, and “levels” of organic products that can make it tricky to know what you’re really buying. To make matters worse, the practice of “greenwashing” runs rampant in almost all industries, in which companies make false claims about the true origins or quality of their products.

Bears for Humanity is doing things differently. We are committed to being 100% transparent about our entire supply chain, and invite you to discover step by step how and where our bears are created. Our special plushies are created using 100% organic cotton fabric, which means zero shortcuts at any stage of their production.

We are also very proud of our certifications, as they are some of the most difficult to achieve in the world of textiles. Below you’ll find explanations and examples of each, so you can confidently choose the best for your children.

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Certifications and Safety Tests

Do you have an idea for a plushie or T-shirt that you want to design?

Bears for Humanity offers custom manufacturing of 100% organic cotton plush and apparel. We have helped design conscious company mascots, gifts for customers, and even characters from award-winning movies and stories!

Learn more about our Custom Manufacturing process.
Ready to get started? Get a quote today!
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